Takes the ui elements in the state and element and attempts to add a rule.
- state
CTS state from
- element
Element list from
Element with the results of adding the rule. The rares
element can be used to determine the exit status of the function.
RULE_IS_GOOD If true it indicates that the pieces of the rule from the UI check out.
RULE_UPDATED If RULE_IS_GOOD and RULE_UPDATED is true then a previous rule definition was overwritten. If RULE_IS_GOOD is TRUE and RULE_UPDATED is FALSE then a new rule was added.
notify_text Text for notify message
notify_id Notification ID
notify_type Notification type
msgs Vector of messages.
This depends on the following UI values in the state and element
For rule type "dose"
For rule type "set state"
For rule type "manual code"
# For more information see the Clinical Trial Simulation vignette:
# https://ruminate.ubiquity.tools/articles/clinical_trial_simulation.html
# None of this will work if rxode2 isn't installed:
# \donttest{
if( Sys.getenv("ruminate_rxfamily_found") == "TRUE"){
# This will populate the session variable with the model building (MB) module
sess_res = MB_test_mksession()
session = sess_res[["session"]]
id = "CTS"
id_ASM = "ASM"
id_MB = "MB"
input = list()
# Configuration files
FM_yaml_file = system.file(package = "formods", "templates", "formods.yaml")
MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "CTS.yaml")
state = CTS_fetch_state(id = id,
id_ASM = id_ASM,
id_MB = id_MB,
input = input,
session = session,
FM_yaml_file = FM_yaml_file,
MOD_yaml_file = MOD_yaml_file,
react_state = NULL)
# Fetch a list of the current element
current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state)
# You can modify the element
current_ele[["element_name"]] = "A more descriptive name"
# Defining the source model
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["source_model"]] = "MB_obj_1_rx"
current_ele = CTS_change_source_model(state, current_ele)
# Single visit
current_ele[["ui"]][["visit_times"]] = "0"
current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5"
# Creating a dosing rule
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_condition"]] = "time == 0"
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_type"]] = "dose"
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_state"]] = "central"
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_values"]] = "c(1)"
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_times"]] = "c(0)"
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["action_dosing_durations"]] = "c(0)"
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["rule_name"]] = "Single_Dose"
# Adding the rule:
current_ele = CTS_add_rule(state, current_ele)
# Appending the plotting details as well
current_ele[["ui"]][["fpage"]] = "1"
current_ele[["ui"]][["dvcols"]] = "Cc"
# Reducing the number of subjects and steps to speed things up on CRAN
current_ele[["ui"]][["nsub"]] = "2"
current_ele[["ui"]][["cts_config_nsteps"]] = "5"
# Putting the element back in the state forcing code generation
state = CTS_set_current_element(
state = state,
element = current_ele)
# Now we pull out the current element, and simulate it
current_ele = CTS_fetch_current_element(state)
#current_ele = CTS_simulate_element(state, current_ele)
# Next we plot the element
current_ele = CTS_plot_element(state, current_ele)
# Now we save those results back into the state:
state = CTS_set_current_element(
state = state,
element = current_ele)
# This will extract the code for the current module
code = CTS_fetch_code(state)
# This will update the checksum of the module state
state = CTS_update_checksum(state)
# Access the datasets generated from simulations
ds = CTS_fetch_ds(state)
# CTS_add_covariate
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_value"]] = "70, .1"
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["covariate_type_selected"]] = "cont_lognormal"
state[["CTS"]][["ui"]][["selected_covariate"]] = "WT"
current_ele = CTS_add_covariate(state, current_ele)
# Creates a new empty element
state = CTS_new_element(state)
# Delete the current element
state = CTS_del_current_element(state)
#> → ASM: including file
#> → ASM: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx")
#> → ASM: dest: file.path("config","report.docx")
#> → ASM: including file
#> → ASM: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.pptx")
#> → ASM: dest: file.path("config","report.pptx")
#> → ASM: including file
#> → ASM: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml")
#> → ASM: dest: file.path("config","report.yaml")
#> → ASM: State initialized
#> → ASM: setting word placeholders:
#> → ASM: -> setting docx ph: HEADERLEFT = left header
#> → ASM: -> setting docx ph: HEADERRIGHT = right header
#> → ASM: -> setting docx ph: FOOTERLEFT = left footer
#> → ASM: module isgood: TRUE
#> → MB: including file
#> → MB: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx")
#> → MB: dest: file.path("config","report.docx")
#> → MB: including file
#> → MB: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.pptx")
#> → MB: dest: file.path("config","report.pptx")
#> → MB: including file
#> → MB: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml")
#> → MB: dest: file.path("config","report.yaml")
#> ! MB: User-defined model: /Users/jmh/projects/ruminate/github/ruminate/docs/reference/user_model.R not found (skipping)
#> ! MB: User-defined model: /Users/jmh/projects/ruminate/github/ruminate/docs/reference/user_model.ctl not found (skipping)
#> → MB: module checksum updated:f7de2055542d3ff1b085fafc2d30a1f8
#> → MB: State initialized
#> → MB: loading model idx: 1
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> → MB: model checksum updated: e99d6dd3f9d43a9aa4be703c292ea447
#> → MB: module checksum updated:a3a34f871747cbce47a5e7b9316cb663
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> → MB: model checksum updated: dc37f9b56f9b8a67509d94ef06319927
#> → MB: module checksum updated:e604eca8994ee33e0adcadd58f755c2f
#> → MB: -> setting name: One compartment model
#> → MB: -> setting time scale: hours
#> → MB: -> setting base from: user
#> → MB: -> setting catalog selection:
#> → MB: -> setting base model id: manual
#> → MB: -> setting base model name: manual
#> → MB: model checksum updated: 3652ba12df93d0878a6ac9bd7b12eb24
#> → MB: module checksum updated:e955be080de1bda575b9108a46511749
#> → MB: added element idx: 1
#> → MB: loading model idx: 2
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> → MB: model checksum updated: 70c5d69aabfacc95782b3d239b30786f
#> → MB: module checksum updated:e250dfac3b1c6f9c48a65e2eaec02eef
#> → MB: -> setting name: PK Biomarker
#> → MB: -> setting time scale: days
#> → MB: -> setting base from: user
#> → MB: -> setting catalog selection:
#> → MB: -> setting base model id: manual
#> → MB: -> setting base model name: manual
#> → MB: model checksum updated: 73561e30f53a47ddc79f905655baf491
#> → MB: module checksum updated:12c49beba744d9ab510256158e29053e
#> → MB: added element idx: 2
#> → MB: module isgood: TRUE
#> → CTS: including file
#> → CTS: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx")
#> → CTS: dest: file.path("config","report.docx")
#> → CTS: including file
#> → CTS: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.pptx")
#> → CTS: dest: file.path("config","report.pptx")
#> → CTS: including file
#> → CTS: source: file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml")
#> → CTS: dest: file.path("config","report.yaml")
#> → CTS: source model change detected
#> → CTS: > covariates reset
#> → CTS: cohort checksum updated: 278c9d2302a1d9cb1a47c700d5d19f3a
#> → CTS: module checksum updated: 97f3b8528e45cabf48b8b8bb808d95f6
#> → CTS: State initialized
#> → CTS: add rule success
#> → CTS: rule added
#> → CTS: cohort checksum updated: 88ccaebec55a8b12114f358804c0e01c
#> → CTS: module checksum updated: 1c53a4cf4bfe5077ac1dd347cb604a8e
#> → CTS: CTS_plot_element()
#> → CTS: # Plotting timecourse
#> → CTS: CTS_obj_1_fgtc =
#> → CTS: plot_sr_tc(sro = CTS_obj_1_simres,
#> → CTS: xcol = "time",
#> → CTS: xlab_str = "Time",
#> → CTS: fncol = 4,
#> → CTS: fnrow = 2,
#> → CTS: dvcols = "Cc",
#> → CTS: fpage = 1)
#> → CTS:
#> → CTS: # Plotting events
#> → CTS: CTS_obj_1_fgev =
#> → CTS: plot_sr_ev(sro = CTS_obj_1_simres,
#> → CTS: xcol = "time",
#> → CTS: xlab_str = "Time",
#> → CTS: fncol = 4,
#> → CTS: fnrow = 2,
#> → CTS: evplot = 1,
#> → CTS: fpage = 1)
#> → CTS: No simulation available, you need to run the simulation first.
#> → CTS: cohort checksum updated: e3ead7fe204d16758d5818957d3d80ef
#> → CTS: module checksum updated: dfb85f9f7c733a447588e0bb5ebc34ae
#> → CTS: source model change detected
#> → CTS: > covariates reset
#> → CTS: cohort checksum updated: 3c9182373c493ebab47618660fe2c409
#> → CTS: module checksum updated: a695cf3e247113d9499dd233daa22e3a
# }