ruminate 0.2.4 (development version)
CRAN release: 2024-05-28
- Fixed issue where changes in data views was leading to PH appearing in the NCA data source selection
- Added sparse test dataset
ruminate 0.2.3
CRAN release: 2024-05-18
- Added default naming of NCA analysis from datasets
- Added searching in selection of NCA parameters
- Fixed sparse sampling in NCA
- Added CTS (Clinical trial simulator) module (in development)
ruminate 0.2.2
CRAN release: 2024-03-14
- Fixed error in default ruminate app causing it to crash
- Separated ruminate.R sample app into two separate (the default one and one for developent.)
ruminate 0.2.0
CRAN release: 2023-12-02
- Added MB (model builder) module with (in development)
- Support for rxode2 and NONMEM models
- Fixed bug in NCA module where column details didn’t update properly when switching between analyses.
- Fixed bug where detecting dosing from rows left the dosing records in the data frame for subsequent NCA.
- Fixed bug where the same parameter(s) were added over the same interval resulting in [[numeric]] in the reported values. Now if the same time interval is added more than once subsequent additions will update the parameters of the interval.
- Fixed stand-alone code generation and copy clipboard.