Looks at the suggested dependencies and checks to make sure they are installed.
List with the following elements:
all_found: Boolean indicating if all packages were found
found_pkgs: Character vector of found packages
missing_pkgs: Character vector of missing packages
fcres =ruminate_check()
#> ── Checking ruminate for suggested packages ────────────────────────────────────
#> ✔ found clipr
#> ✔ found gridExtra
#> ✔ found knitr
#> ✔ found nlmixr2lib
#> ✔ found nonmem2rx
#> ✔ found prompter
#> ✔ found rmarkdown
#> ✔ found readxl
#> ✔ found rxode2
#> ✔ found shinydashboard
#> ✔ found testthat
#> ✔ found ubiquity