Compiles Metadata from PKNCA
PKNCA_meta = NCA_fetch_PKNCA_meta()
#> $parameters
#> parameter unit_type
#> 1 start time
#> 2 end time
#> 3 auclast auc
#> 4 aucall auc
#> 5 aumclast aumc
#> 6 aumcall aumc
#> 7 aucint.last auc
#> 8 aucint.last.dose auc
#> 9 aucint.all auc
#> 10 aucint.all.dose auc
#> 11 c0 conc
#> 12 cmax conc
#> 13 cmin conc
#> 14 tmax time
#> 15 tlast time
#> 16 tfirst time
#> 17 clast.obs conc
#> 18 cl.last clearance
#> 19 cl.all clearance
#> 20 f fraction
#> 21 mrt.last time
#> 22 mrt.iv.last time
#> 23 vss.last volume
#> 24 vss.iv.last volume
#> 25 cav conc
#> 26 conc
#> 27 conc
#> 28 ctrough conc
#> 29 cstart conc
#> 30 ptr fraction
#> 31 tlag time
#> 32 deg.fluc %
#> 33 swing %
#> 34 ceoi conc
#> 35 aucabove.predose.all auc
#> 36 aucabove.trough.all auc
#> 37 count_conc count
#> 38 count_conc_measured count
#> 39 totdose dose
#> 40 ae amount
#> 41 clr.last renal_clearance
#> 42 clr.obs renal_clearance
#> 43 clr.pred renal_clearance
#> 44 fe fraction
#> 45 sparse_auclast auc
#> 46 sparse_auc_se auc
#> 47 sparse_auc_df count
#> 48 time_above time
#> 49 aucivlast auc
#> 50 aucivall auc
#> 51 aucivint.last auc
#> 52 aucivint.all auc
#> 53 aucivpbextlast %
#> 54 aucivpbextall %
#> 55 aucivpbextint.last %
#> 56 aucivpbextint.all %
#> 57 time
#> 58 r.squared unitless
#> 59 adj.r.squared unitless
#> 60 lambda.z inverse_time
#> 61 lambda.z.time.first time
#> 62 lambda.z.n.points count
#> 63 clast.pred conc
#> 64 span.ratio fraction
#> 65 thalf.eff.last time
#> 66 thalf.eff.iv.last time
#> 67 kel.last inverse_time
#> 68 kel.iv.last inverse_time
#> 69 aucinf.obs auc
#> 70 aucinf.pred auc
#> 71 aumcinf.obs aumc
#> 72 aumcinf.pred aumc
#> 73 aucint.inf.obs auc
#> 74 aucint.inf.obs.dose auc
#> 75 aucint.inf.pred auc
#> 76 aucint.inf.pred.dose auc
#> 77 aucivinf.obs auc
#> 78 aucivinf.pred auc
#> 79 aucivpbextinf.obs %
#> 80 aucivpbextinf.pred %
#> 81 aucpext.obs %
#> 82 aucpext.pred %
#> 83 cl.obs clearance
#> 84 cl.pred clearance
#> 85 mrt.obs time
#> 86 mrt.pred time
#> 87 mrt.iv.obs time
#> 88 mrt.iv.pred time
#> 89 time
#> 90 time
#> 91 vz.obs volume
#> 92 vz.pred volume
#> 93 vss.obs volume
#> 94 vss.pred volume
#> 95 vss.iv.obs volume
#> 96 vss.iv.pred volume
#> 97 volume
#> 98 volume
#> 99 conc
#> 100 conc
#> 101 thalf.eff.obs time
#> 102 thalf.eff.pred time
#> 103 thalf.eff.iv.obs time
#> 104 thalf.eff.iv.pred time
#> 105 kel.obs inverse_time
#> 106 kel.pred inverse_time
#> 107 kel.iv.obs inverse_time
#> 108 kel.iv.pred inverse_time
#> 109 auclast.dn auc_dosenorm
#> 110 aucall.dn auc_dosenorm
#> 111 aucinf.obs.dn auc_dosenorm
#> 112 aucinf.pred.dn auc_dosenorm
#> 113 aumclast.dn aumc_dosenorm
#> 114 aumcall.dn aumc_dosenorm
#> 115 aumcinf.obs.dn aumc_dosenorm
#> 116 aumcinf.pred.dn aumc_dosenorm
#> 117 cmax.dn conc_dosenorm
#> 118 cmin.dn conc_dosenorm
#> 119 clast.obs.dn conc_dosenorm
#> 120 clast.pred.dn conc_dosenorm
#> 121 cav.dn conc_dosenorm
#> 122 ctrough.dn conc_dosenorm
#> pretty_name data_type
#> 1 Interval Start interval
#> 2 Interval End interval
#> 3 AUClast interval
#> 4 AUCall interval
#> 5 AUMC,last interval
#> 6 AUMC,all interval
#> 7 AUCint (based on AUClast extrapolation) interval
#> 8 AUCint (based on AUClast extrapolation, dose-aware) interval
#> 9 AUCint (based on AUCall extrapolation) interval
#> 10 AUCint (based on AUCall extrapolation, dose-aware) interval
#> 11 C0 interval
#> 12 Cmax interval
#> 13 Cmin interval
#> 14 Tmax interval
#> 15 Tlast interval
#> 16 Tfirst interval
#> 17 Clast interval
#> 18 CL (based on AUClast) interval
#> 19 CL (based on AUCall) interval
#> 20 Bioavailability interval
#> 21 MRT (based on AUClast) interval
#> 22 MRT (for IV dosing, based on AUClast) interval
#> 23 Vss (based on AUClast) interval
#> 24 Vss (for IV dosing, based on AUClast) interval
#> 25 Cav interval
#> 26 Cav interval
#> 27 Cav interval
#> 28 Ctrough interval
#> 29 Cstart interval
#> 30 Peak-to-trough ratio interval
#> 31 Tlag interval
#> 32 Degree of fluctuation interval
#> 33 Swing interval
#> 34 Ceoi interval
#> 35 AUC,above interval
#> 36 AUC,above interval
#> 37 Concentration count interval
#> 38 Measured concentration count interval
#> 39 Total dose interval
#> 40 Amount excreted interval
#> 41 Renal clearance (from AUClast) interval
#> 42 Renal clearance (from AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 43 Renal clearance (from AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 44 Fraction excreted interval
#> 45 Sparse AUClast interval
#> 46 Sparse AUClast standard error interval
#> 47 Sparse AUClast degrees of freedom interval
#> 48 Time above Concentration interval
#> 49 AUClast (IV dosing) interval
#> 50 AUCall (IV dosing) interval
#> 51 AUCint,last (IV dosing) interval
#> 52 AUCint,all (IV dosing) interval
#> 53 AUCbext (based on AUClast) interval
#> 54 AUCbext (based on AUCall) interval
#> 55 AUCbext (based on AUCint,last) interval
#> 56 AUCbext (based on AUCint,all) interval
#> 57 Half-life interval
#> 58 $r^2$ interval
#> 59 $r^2_{adj}$ interval
#> 60 $\\lambda_z$ interval
#> 61 First time for $\\lambda_z$ interval
#> 62 Number of points used for lambda_z interval
#> 63 Clast,pred interval
#> 64 Span ratio interval
#> 65 Effective half-life (based on MRT,last) interval
#> 66 Effective half-life (for IV dosing, based on MRTlast) interval
#> 67 Kel (based on AUClast) interval
#> 68 Kel (for IV dosing, based on AUClast) interval
#> 69 AUCinf,obs interval
#> 70 AUCinf,pred interval
#> 71 AUMC,inf,obs interval
#> 72 AUMC,inf,pred interval
#> 73 AUCint (based on AUCinf,obs extrapolation) interval
#> 74 AUCint (based on AUCinf,obs extrapolation, dose-aware) interval
#> 75 AUCint (based on AUCinf,pred extrapolation) interval
#> 76 AUCint (based on AUCinf,pred extrapolation, dose-aware) interval
#> 77 AUCinf,obs (IV dosing) interval
#> 78 AUCinf,pred (IV dosing) interval
#> 79 AUCbext (based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 80 AUCbext (based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 81 AUCpext (based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 82 AUCpext (based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 83 CL (based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 84 CL (based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 85 MRT (based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 86 MRT (based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 87 MRT (for IV dosing, based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 88 MRT (for IV dosing, based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 89 MRT (for multiple dosing, based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 90 MRT (for multiple dosing, based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 91 Vz (based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 92 Vz (based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 93 Vss (based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 94 Vss (based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 95 Vss (for IV dosing, based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 96 Vss (for IV dosing, based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 97 Vss (for multiple-dose, based on Clast,obs) interval
#> 98 Vss (for multiple-dose, based on Clast,pred) interval
#> 99 Cav interval
#> 100 Cav interval
#> 101 Effective half-life (based on MRT,obs) interval
#> 102 Effective half-life (based on MRT,pred) interval
#> 103 Effective half-life (for IV dosing, based on MRT,obs) interval
#> 104 Effective half-life (for IV dosing, based on MRT,pred) interval
#> 105 Kel (based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 106 Kel (based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 107 Kel (for IV dosing, based on AUCinf,obs) interval
#> 108 Kel (for IV dosing, based on AUCinf,pred) interval
#> 109 AUClast (dose-normalized) interval
#> 110 AUCall (dose-normalized) interval
#> 111 AUCinf,obs (dose-normalized) interval
#> 112 AUCinf,pred (dose-normalized) interval
#> 113 AUMC,last (dose-normalized) interval
#> 114 AUMC,all (dose-normalized) interval
#> 115 AUMC,inf,obs (dose-normalized) interval
#> 116 AUMC,inf,pred (dose-normalized) interval
#> 117 Cmax (dose-normalized) interval
#> 118 Cmin (dose-normalized) interval
#> 119 Clast (dose-normalized) interval
#> 120 Clast,pred (dose-normalized) interval
#> 121 Cav (dose-normalized) interval
#> 122 Ctrough (dose-normalized) interval
#> desc
#> 1 Starting time of the interval
#> 2 Ending time of the interval (potentially infinity)
#> 3 The area under the concentration time curve from the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification
#> 4 The area under the concentration time curve from the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification plus the triangle from that last concentration to 0 at the first concentration below the limit of quantification
#> 5 The area under the concentration time moment curve from the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification
#> 6 The area under the concentration time moment curve from the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification plus the moment of the triangle from that last concentration to 0 at the first concentration below the limit of quantification
#> 7 The area under the concentration time curve in the interval extrapolating from Tlast to infinity with zeros (matching AUClast)
#> 8 The area under the concentration time curve in the interval extrapolating from Tlast to infinity with zeros (matching AUClast) with dose-aware interpolation/extrapolation of concentrations
#> 9 The area under the concentration time curve in the interval extrapolating from Tlast to infinity with the triangle from Tlast to the next point and zero thereafter (matching AUCall)
#> 10 The area under the concentration time curve in the interval extrapolating from Tlast to infinity with the triangle from Tlast to the next point and zero thereafter (matching AUCall) with dose-aware interpolation/extrapolation of concentrations
#> 11 Initial concentration after an IV bolus
#> 12 Maximum observed concentration
#> 13 Minimum observed concentration
#> 14 Time of the maximum observed concentration
#> 15 Time of the last concentration observed above the limit of quantification
#> 16 Time of the first concentration above the limit of quantification
#> 17 The last concentration observed above the limit of quantification
#> 18 Clearance or observed oral clearance calculated to Clast
#> 19 Clearance or observed oral clearance calculated with AUCall
#> 20 Bioavailability or relative bioavailability
#> 21 The mean residence time to the last observed concentration above the LOQ
#> 22 The mean residence time to the last observed concentration above the LOQ correcting for dosing duration
#> 23 The steady-state volume of distribution calculating through Tlast
#> 24 The steady-state volume of distribution with intravenous infusion calculating through Tlast
#> 25 The average concentration during an interval (calculated with AUClast)
#> 26 The average concentration during an interval (calculated with AUCint.last)
#> 27 The average concentration during an interval (calculated with AUCint.all)
#> 28 The trough (end of interval) concentration
#> 29 The predose concentration
#> 30 Peak-to-Trough ratio (fraction)
#> 31 Lag time
#> 32 Degree of fluctuation
#> 33 Swing relative to Cmin
#> 34 Concentration at the end of infusion
#> 35 The area under the concentration time the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification plus the triangle from that last concentration to 0 at the first concentration below the limit of quantification, with a concentration subtracted from all concentrations and values below zero after subtraction set to zero
#> 36 The area under the concentration time the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification plus the triangle from that last concentration to 0 at the first concentration below the limit of quantification, with a concentration subtracted from all concentrations and values below zero after subtraction set to zero
#> 37 Number of non-missing concentrations for an interval
#> 38 Number of measured and non BLQ/ALQ concentrations for an interval
#> 39 Total dose administered during an interval
#> 40 The amount excreted (typically into urine or feces)
#> 41 The renal clearance calculated using AUClast
#> 42 The renal clearance calculated using AUCinf,obs
#> 43 The renal clearance calculated using AUCinf,pred
#> 44 The fraction of the dose excreted
#> 45 For sparse PK sampling, the area under the concentration time curve from the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification
#> 46 For sparse PK sampling, the standard error of the area under the concentration time curve from the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification
#> 47 For sparse PK sampling, the standard error degrees of freedom of the area under the concentration time curve from the beginning of the interval to the last concentration above the limit of quantification
#> 48 Time above a given concentration
#> 49 The AUClast calculated with back-extrapolation for intravenous dosing using extrapolated C0
#> 50 The AUCall calculated with back-extrapolation for intravenous dosing using extrapolated C0
#> 51 The AUCint,last calculated with back-extrapolation for intravenous dosing using extrapolated C0
#> 52 The AUCint,all calculated with back-extrapolation for intravenous dosing using extrapolated C0
#> 53 The back-extrapolation percent for intravenous dosing based on AUClast
#> 54 The back-extrapolation percent for intravenous dosing based on AUCall
#> 55 The back-extrapolation percent for intravenous dosing based on AUCint,last
#> 56 The back-extrapolation percent for intravenous dosing based on AUCint,all
#> 57 The (terminal) half-life
#> 58 The r^2 value of the half-life calculation
#> 59 The adjusted r^2 value of the half-life calculation
#> 60 The elimination rate of the terminal half-life
#> 61 The first time point used for the calculation of half-life
#> 62 The number of points used for the calculation of half-life
#> 63 The concentration at Tlast as predicted by the half-life
#> 64 The ratio of the half-life to the duration used for half-life calculation
#> 65 The effective half-life (as determined from the MRTlast)
#> 66 The effective half-life (as determined from the intravenous MRTlast)
#> 67 Elimination rate (as calculated from the MRT using AUClast)
#> 68 Elimination rate (as calculated from the intravenous MRTlast)
#> 69 The area under the concentration time curve from the beginning of the interval to infinity with extrapolation to infinity from the observed Clast
#> 70 The area under the concentration time curve from the beginning of the interval to infinity with extrapolation to infinity from the predicted Clast
#> 71 The area under the concentration time moment curve from the beginning of the interval to infinity with extrapolation to infinity from the observed Clast
#> 72 The area under the concentration time moment curve from the beginning of the interval to infinity with extrapolation to infinity from the predicted Clast
#> 73 The area under the concentration time curve in the interval extrapolating from Tlast to infinity with zeros (matching AUClast)
#> 74 The area under the concentration time curve in the interval extrapolating from Tlast to infinity with zeros (matching AUClast) with dose-aware interpolation/extrapolation of concentrations
#> 75 The area under the concentration time curve in the interval extrapolating from Tlast to infinity with the triangle from Tlast to the next point and zero thereafter (matching AUCall)
#> 76 The area under the concentration time curve in the interval extrapolating from Tlast to infinity with the triangle from Tlast to the next point and zero thereafter (matching AUCall) with dose-aware interpolation/extrapolation of concentrations
#> 77 The AUCinf,obs calculated with back-extrapolation for intravenous dosing using extrapolated C0
#> 78 The calculated with back-extrapolation for intravenous dosing using extrapolated C0
#> 79 The back-extrapolation percent for intravenous dosing based on AUCinf,obs
#> 80 The back-extrapolation percent for intravenous dosing based on AUCinf,pred
#> 81 Percent of the AUCinf that is extrapolated after Tlast calculated from the observed Clast
#> 82 Percent of the AUCinf that is extrapolated after Tlast calculated from the predicted Clast
#> 83 Clearance or observed oral clearance calculated with observed Clast
#> 84 Clearance or observed oral clearance calculated with predicted Clast
#> 85 The mean residence time to infinity using observed Clast
#> 86 The mean residence time to infinity using predicted Clast
#> 87 The mean residence time to infinity using observed Clast correcting for dosing duration
#> 88 The mean residence time to infinity using predicted Clast correcting for dosing duration
#> 89 The mean residence time with multiple dosing and nonlinear kinetics using observed Clast
#> 90 The mean residence time with multiple dosing and nonlinear kinetics using predicted Clast
#> 91 The terminal volume of distribution using observed Clast
#> 92 The terminal volume of distribution using predicted Clast
#> 93 The steady-state volume of distribution using observed Clast
#> 94 The steady-state volume of distribution using predicted Clast
#> 95 The steady-state volume of distribution with intravenous infusion using observed Clast
#> 96 The steady-state volume of distribution with intravenous infusion using predicted Clast
#> 97 The steady-state volume of distribution for nonlinear multiple-dose data using observed Clast
#> 98 The steady-state volume of distribution for nonlinear multiple-dose data using predicted Clast
#> 99 The average concentration during an interval (calculated with AUCint.inf.obs)
#> 100 The average concentration during an interval (calculated with AUCint.inf.pred)
#> 101 The effective half-life (as determined from the MRTobs)
#> 102 The effective half-life (as determined from the MRTpred)
#> 103 The effective half-life (as determined from the intravenous MRTobs)
#> 104 The effective half-life (as determined from the intravenous MRTpred)
#> 105 Elimination rate (as calculated from the MRT with observed Clast)
#> 106 Elimination rate (as calculated from the MRT with predicted Clast)
#> 107 Elimination rate (as calculated from the intravenous MRTobs)
#> 108 Elimination rate (as calculated from the intravenous MRTpred)
#> 109 Dose normalized auclast
#> 110 Dose normalized aucall
#> 111 Dose normalized aucinf.obs
#> 112 Dose normalized aucinf.pred
#> 113 Dose normalized aumclast
#> 114 Dose normalized aumcall
#> 115 Dose normalized aumcinf.obs
#> 116 Dose normalized aumcinf.pred
#> 117 Dose normalized cmax
#> 118 Dose normalized cmin
#> 119 Dose normalized clast.obs
#> 120 Dose normalized clast.pred
#> 121 Dose normalized cav
#> 122 Dose normalized ctrough